Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Agrochemicals Features


    Regulatory & Compliance

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type

    Storage & Handling

    Storage Condition
    • MAKON TSP-16 surfactant should be stored in vessels of 316 stainless steel or glass fiber-reinforced polyester tanks.
    • Many oven-cured phenolic and epoxy/phenolic linings may also be used. Elevated storage temperature may be desirable to maintain ease of pumping.
    • Temperatures up to 130°F (54°C) can be maintained without degradation of the product.
    • MAKON TSP-16 surfactant that have been stored in drums at low temperatures may thicken or solidify.
    • Product may be fluidized by warming with a drum heater or in a steam room. Drums should be vented prior to heating to avoid excessive pressure build up.
    • Product temperatures over 130°F (54°C) are not recommended.