Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- INCI Name
- Tilley Product Number
- Base Chemicals Functions
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- Pharma & Nutraceuticals Functions
- Molecular formula
- C₁₃H₁₀O
- Technologies
- Product Families
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Format
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Cure Method
- Base Chemicals End Uses
- Coating End Applications
- Fragrances & Perfume Applications
- Sun Care Applications
- Physical Form
- Odor
- Characterisitc odor
- Appearance
- White to light yellow crystals to flake
- Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Flash Point 311 °F - Melting Point Range 47 - 49 °C FCC Method Purity min. 99 - QC_30.M Boiling Point 306 °C - Loss on Drying max. 01 - FCC Method Molecular Weight 182.22 - - Melting Point 47 °C FCC Method
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 730 days
- Storage Information
Stable under normal conditions.