Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Fragrance Ingredient Class
- INCI Name
- Olfactory Notes
- Tilley Product Number
- Base Chemicals Functions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Format
- Fragrances & Perfume Applications
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- Clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid
- Odor
- Fresh, floral, rich odor
- Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Acid Value 0.0 - 1.0 - - Purity (Sum of Isomers) 97.0 - 100.0 - - Refractive Index (at 20°C) 1.462 - 1.466 - - Specific Gravity (at 25°C) 0.858 - 0.865 - -
Regulatory & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Information
170kg in steel barrel or 850kg in tote or on customer's request.
Storage & Handling
- Storage and Shelf Life Conditions
- Dry area, unopened containers, optimum temp. 11-25 °C / 52-77 °F
- 12 months in unopened original packaging.