Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Flavor Ingredient Class
- Fragrance Ingredient Class
- INCI Name
- Ingredient Name
- Olfactory Notes
- Tilley Product Number
- Cleaning Ingredients Functions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- Food Ingredients Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
- Physical Form
- Odor
- Floral jasmine-like odor
- Appearance
- Pale yellow to yellow/yellow green liquid
- Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Acid Value 0.0 - 5.0 - - Purity (Sum of Isomers) 96.0 - 100.0 - - Refractive Index (at 20°C) 1.548 - 1.552 - - Specific Gravity (at 25°C) 0.953 - 0.959 - -
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Information
EP coated MS / HMHDPE drums, IBC, ISO tanker (SS316).
Storage & Handling
- Storage Information
- Product easily oxidized, so maintain nitrogen atmosphere all times during storage.
- Store in tightly closed containers, under nitrogen, in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.