Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Country of Origin
- Ingredient Name
- Tilley Product Number
- Food Ingredients Functions
- Molecular formula
- Na₃C₆H₅O₇
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Food Ingredients Features
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Food & Nutrition Applications
- Physical Form
- Soluble In
- Appearance
- White, fine, translucent crystals
- Odor
- Odorless
- Taste
- Mild, cool saline taste
- Insoluble in
- Alcohol
- Nutritional Information
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Calories (from saturated fat) 0 Kcal/100g - Cholesterol 0.0 mg/100g - Dietary Fiber 0.0 g/100g - Insoluble Fiber 0.0 g/100g - Iron 0.1 mg/100g - Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g/100g - Poly Unsaturated Fat 0 g/100g - Potassium 27 mg/100g - Total Carbohydrate 72.3 g/100g - Protein 0.0 g/100g - Total Sugar 0.0 g/100g - Alcohol Sugar 0 g/100g - Saturated Fat 0.0 g/100g - Other Carbohydrate 0.0 g/100g - Sodium 26700 mg/100g - Soluble Fiber 0.0 g/100g - Calcium 0.31 mg/100g - Moisture 1 g/100g - Total Calories 181 Kcal/100g - Total Fat 0.0 g/100g - Trans Fat 0.0 g/100g - - Mineral Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Thiamine 0 mg/100g - Riboflavin 0 mg/100g - Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) 0 mg/100g - Niacin Content 0 mg/100g - Vitamin D 0 mg/100g - Vitamin B₆ 0 mg/100g - Folic Acid 0 µg DFE/100g - Vitamin B₁₂ 0 μg/100g - Vitamin A 0 µg RAE/100g - Vitamin C 0 mg/100g - - Characteristics
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Molecular Weight 258.08 - - pH (at 25°C, 5g/100ml) 7.5 - 9.0 - - Solubility (in Water, at 25°C) 57 g/100ml - - Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Assay Content (anhydrous basis) 99.0 - 100.5 % - Lead Content max. 2.0 ppm - Loss on Drying max. 1 % Heavy Metal Content (as lead) max. 10.0 ppm - Sulfur Dioxide Content max. 10 ppm - - Granulation Information
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Particle Size (on 100 USS Mesh, 150μm) max. 7 % - Particle Size (Through 200 USS Mesh, at 75 μm) min. 70 % -
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 3 years
- Shelf Life and Storage Condition
- Storage at room temperature in tightly sealed containers, away from extreme conditions of heat and humidity, is recommended.
- This product is very stable and has been given a 3 year "best by" date.
- It is recommended to retest after 3 years. It is suggested that all products be used on a “First-In First-Out” basis.