Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Carrier
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Country of Origin
- INCI Name
- Ingredient Name
- Tilley Product Number
- Base Chemicals Functions
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- Food Ingredients Functions
- Pharma & Nutraceuticals Functions
- Molecular formula
- C₆H₁₄O₆, С₆Н₁₄O₆
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Food Ingredients Features
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Base Chemicals End Uses
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- Clear, colorless syrup
- Odor
- Odorless
- Taste
- Sweet, bland
- Microbiological Values
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Mesophilic Bacteria max. 1000 /g - Yeast Count max. 100 /g - Mold Count max. 100 /g - - Nutritional Information
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Calories (from saturated fat) 0 kcal/100g - Cholesterol 0.0 mg/100g - Dietary Fiber 0.0 g/100g - Folic Acid 0 μg/100g - Insoluble Fiber 0.0 g/100g - Iron max. 0.01 mg/100g - Monounsaturated Fat 0.01 g/100g - Calories (saturated fat) 0 kcal/100g - Other Carbohydrates 0.0 g/100g - Pantothenic Acid 0.0 mg/100g - Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g/100g - Total Carbohydrate 70 g/100g - Protein 0.0 g/100g - Total Sugar 0.0 g/100g - Sugar Alcohol 70 g/100g - Other Carbohydrate 0.0 g/100g - Riboflavin 0.0 mg/100g - Saturated Fat 0.0 g/100g - Soluble Fiber 0.0 g/100g - Calcium 0.02 mg/100g - Sugar Alcohols 70.0 g/100g - Sodium 0.2 mg/100g - Sodium 0.2 mg/100g - Potassium 0.04 mg/100g - Thiamine 0.0 mg/100g - Total Calories 182 kcal/100g - Niacin 0.0 mg/100g - Total Carbohydrates 70.0 g/100g - Total Fat 0.0 g/100g - Total Sugars 0.0 g/100g - Trans Fat 0.0 g/100g - Vitamin A 0 RAE/100g - Phosphorous 0 mg/100g - Vitamin B₁₂ 0 μg/100g - Vitamin B₆ 0 mg/100g - lodide 0 mg/100g - Vitamin C 0.0 mg/100g - Magnesium 0.0 mg/100g - Vitamin D 0.0 mg/100g - Zinc 0.001 mg/100g - Vitamin E 0.0 mg/100g - Copper 0.004 mg/100g - Biotin 0.0 μg/100g - - Characteristics
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Molecular Weight 182.17 - - Viscosity (at 25°C) 110.0 Centipoises - Boiling Point 105.0 °C - Density (at 25°C) 10.8 lb/gal - Calories (dry basis) 2.6 /g - - Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Assay Content (D-Sorbitol) min. 64.0 % - Boiling Point 105 °C - pH (at 14% solution) 5.0 - 7.5 - - Reducing Sugar max. 0.3 % - Lead Content max. 1 ppm - Mesophilic Bacteria max. 1000 /g - Molecular Weight 182.17 - - Density (at 77°F) 10.8 lbs/gal - Calories (Dry basis) 2.6 /g - Nickel Content max. 1 ppm - pH (14% solution) 5.0 - 7.5 - - Reducing Sugars max. 0.3 % - Refractive Index (at 20°C) 1.455 - 1.465 - - Residue on Ignition max. 0.1 % - Specific Gravity (at 25/25°C) 1.285 - - Specific Gravity (at 25/25°C) min. 1.285 - - Viscosity (at 77°C) 110 cPs - Water Content 28.5 - 31.5 % - - Typical Vitamin Profile
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Thiamine 0 mg/100g - Riboflavin 0 mg/100g - Niacin 0 mg/100g - Vitamin D 0 μg/100g - Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) 0 mg/100g - Vitamin B₆ 0 mg/100g - Folic Acid 0 μgDFE/100g - Vitamin B₁₂ 0 μg/100g - Phosphorus 0 mg/100g - Iodine 0 μg/100g - Magnesium 0 mg/100g - Zinc 0.001 mg/100g - Copper 0.004 mg/100g - Biotin 0 μg/100g - Pantothenic Acid 0.0 mg/100g - Vitamin A 0 μgRAE/100g - Vitamin C 0.0 mg/100g -
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Packaging Information
- Bulk Trucks & Railcars
- 1200 kg totes
- 600 lb. drums
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life and Storage Condition
- Sorbitol Solution, USP/FCC that is supplied in bulk tank trucks or tank railcars should be stored in stainless steel or FDA approved lined mild steel tanks equipped with ultraviolet sterile conditioning systems. The product should be stored above 70°F in order to prevent crystallization.
- If crystals have formed, the product may be returned to its normal state with heat and gentle agitation. Sorbitol is chemically and microbiologically stable and the shelf life is indefinite for all practical purposes. However, as pH may drift down over time, it is recommended that pH be re-tested after one year. Product stored in vented tanks may decrease in water over time due to evaporation.