Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Country of Origin
- INCI Name
- Ingredient Name
- Ingredient Origin
- Tilley Product Number
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- Food Ingredients Functions
- Pharma & Nutraceuticals Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Food Ingredients Features
- Physical Form
- Soluble In
- Odor
- Typical, practically odourless
- Nutritional Information
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Moisture max. 0.5 g/100g - Total Ash 0 g/100g - Energy 1037 KJ/100g - Carbohydrate 99.5 - 100.5 g/100g - Crude fiber 0 g/100g - Soluble fiber 0 g/100g - Saturated 0 g/100g - Monounsaturated 0 g/100g - Cholesterol 0 g/100g - Polyunsaturated 0 g/100g - Protein 0 g/100g - Trans fatty acids 0 g/100g - Dietary fibre,total 0 g/100g - Calcium 0 g/100g - Iron 0 g/100g - Potassium 0 g/100g - Sodium 0 g/100g - - Note
¹ - 1Calories must be calculated as: [(Protein + (Total Carbohydrates - Dietary Fiber - Individual Sugar Alcohols) x 4) + (Dietary Fiber x 2) + (Fat x 9) + (Alcohol x 7) + (Individual Sugar Alcohol multiply by its respective caloric value)]
² - Dietary Fibre - is defined as non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates (with 3 or more monomeric units), and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants; including isolated or synthetic non-digestible carbohydrates (with 3 or more monomeric units) with demostrated physiological effects that are beneficial to human health. Use AOAC-approved test methods for dietary fiber to determine the fiber content, then subtracts/excludes any non-recognized forms of fiber that do not meet the Dietary Fibre definition to derive the Dietary Fiber content.
³ - Added Sugars - is defined as sugars that are either added during the processing of foods, or are packaged as such, and include sugars (free, mono- and disaccharides), sugars from syrups and honey, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices that are in excess of what would be expected from the same volume of 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice of the same type. The definition excludes fruit or vegetable juice concentrated from 100 percent fruit juice that is sold to consumers (e.g. frozen 100 percent fruit juice concentrate) as well as some sugars found in fruit and vegetable juices, jellies, jams, preserves, and fruit spreads.
⁴ - RAE = Retinol Activity Equivalents; 1 RAE = 1 μg retinol, 12 μg beta-carotene, 24 μg alpha-carotene, or 24 μg beta-cryptoxanthin
† - Vitamin A - IU and μg RAE are required unit of measures for USA; and Vitamin A in RE is required unit of measure for Canada
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Information
- 25Kg Multiwall paper bags
- 50lb (22.68kg) Multiwall paper bags
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life and Storage Condition
Store in closed containers in a cool,dry area.